Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Holy Isle run...

...and today we helped the Holy Isle ferry guys by bringing 24 people off Holy Isle so they could get home after their course. The water was a interesting over there ;-) But we did the job and everyone was happy!

Still working, even in winter!

We've been running electrical contractors down to Pladda (and back) since November - they're installing solar panels to power the lighthouse in place of the diesel generators used up till now. Last week we took some NLB technicians out to Pladda to repair the main light which had a hissy fit - the tide was a bit low on Thursday so we took the tender with us in case we needed to "anchor off"; fortunately we had enough water to keep to the jetty - just!
You can see the tender sitting on top of Bennan; she's right at the end of the Pladda jetty.
 On Friday we took another team out to make a minor tweak (!) and got to see inside the lighthouse:

Pladda used to have two lights
So we know were we are!
Taking the air...
Elspeth waiting for the light to dawn...

 We should be going out again later this week (if the weather improves!)